Subject: [sangkancil] Policy U-turns And Polls Gimmicks
The Prime Minister's China visit is not a "polls gimmick", he told reporters
in, where else, Beijing. The deputy health minister, Dato' Wira Ali Rustam,
insists not corporatising healthcare services is not a gimmick. The sudden
government interest in blanketing Malaysia with a network of untolled roads
is not either. The government reverses its existing policies so that people
would not be inconvenienced or shortchanged -- or as Dato' Ali Rustam put
it, "the government is prepared to pay for quality sevice and comfort to
the people".
Why does the government go out of its way to assure people these changes
are not polls gimmicks? The opposition shouts from the rooftops, sorry,
from their Internet webpages, that they are. But the government knows only
fully well -- as a cabinet minister assured me over the weekend -- that
the opposition are out to hoodwink the public. So, why this prefacing of
government policies these days with the disclaimer that it is not a polls
gimmick? Or is it a public admission that its polls strategy has gone horribly
wrong on account of He Who Must Be Destroyed At All Cost refusing
In ten days, it would be one year since the fellow was shot out of the
cabinet as deputy prime minister and from UMNO in a sleight of hand so
blatantly unfair that the dust on that continues to hover over the political
fortunes of He Who Thinks He Is Lord Of All He Surveys and his cabinet.
UMNO is in worse straits now than it was a year ago, the government more
awry, the Prime Minister more harassed, the political outlook more contentious,
the opposition better organised. Government defensiveness of its policies
has increased of late, with public criticism rather more strident than
it ever was.
Government statements and policies are challenged with a stridency that
forces the cabinet on the defensive. The mainstream media, avoids these
questionings like the plague so thoroughly that it has become the plague
which Malaysians avoid in increasing numbers. Internet postings of Malaysian
events provides a divergence of views and comments and take the place of
the official media to provide a balanced view of the day's events. Inexplicably,
the National Front and the government have given up the ghost and ignore
this potentially valuable medium.
The coming Malaysian general elections, which can be held as early as
11 September or as late as June next year, is one in which the Internet
plays a terribly important role. The opposition, deprived of an avenue
to make its voice heard, adopted it as ducks to water. The government presence
is restricted to occasional gadfly attempts to take on contentious writers.
Its web pages are usually out of date, moribund, lethargic. The level playing
field that Datin Rafidah Aziz talks of when she discusses international
trade is in Malaysia for the first time since independence because of Internet.
The National Front cannot adjust to this in the runup to general elections.
It is forced in the unusual position of having to explain and justify its
actions, something it never had to. The Malay ground then backed it to
the hilt; now that ground is split and wants an accounting on why the former
deputy prime minister continues to be humiliated after his conviction.
Excathedra statements of government intentions were accepted as the ultimate
truth, the opposition excoriated for daring to question it. When policies
fail, they are forgotten; when official bumbling causes untold losses,
the Official Secrets Act, or the threat of detention under the Internal
Security Act, takes care of the mess.
Not any more. Now, the government is asked to justify its actions; it
is peeved and irritated that its statements are challenged not only by
political parties but by the people themselves. It must worry the National
Front leaders that many UMNO divisions and branches are atrophied for lack
of a quorum to hold meetings, PAS continue to form branches in their strongholds
with such ferocity that in Gombak, its principle psychological warfare
officer, now in PAS, continues to form branches and address crowds that
the sitting member is justifiably worried. It is this problem with the
ground that results in this new National Front mantra: "This is not a polls
gimmick". But the regularity with which it is repeated does suggest it
M.G.G. Pillai
From: "M.G.G. Pillai"
Date: August 22, 1999 11:43:38 PM EDT
To: Sang Kancil